Ted Cruz ACA poll results:
Published by Skeptikos on Apr 3, 2014
Ted Cruz took a poll on facebook:
It didn't seem to go as planned. One article says it “blew up in his face”. I wrote a program to gather the results for him.
Yes: 1621 - 39%
No: 2515 - 61%
The earlier comments, which are easily visible on facebook, are heavily biased in favor of "yes". Thus the media response. But overall the "noes" get the majority, as you'd expect on a conservative facebook page.
Many people didn't follow instructions, so the numbers aren't perfect. (For example, one person wrote “No doubt at all I'm better off,” which was counted as a “no”.) 230 comments weren't included due to facebook weirdness.
Here's the ruby code, if you're curious:
=begin A program for estimating the results of Ted Cruz's facebook poll. =end # login email and password email = '[email here]' pass = '[password here]' require 'mechanize' url = 'https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=517779935000978&id=315496455229328&p=0' agent = Mechanize.new # hiding my Mechanize identity agent.user_agent_alias = 'Linux Mozilla' # logging in to facebook login = agent.get('https://www.facebook.com/') form = login.forms[0] form.fields[1].value = email form.fields[2].value = pass form.submit cruz = agent.get(url) yes = 0 no = 0 failed = 0 # main loop x = 0 begin if x != 0 cruz = cruz.links.last.click end begin cruz.search("div[class='msg']").last.children.each do |post| if post.text[0..2].downcase == 'yes' yes += 1 elsif post.text[0..1].downcase == 'no' no += 1 end end rescue failed += 1 puts 'page failed' end if x%10 == 0 puts '' puts "#{x.to_s} pages done." puts "Failed: #{failed.to_s}" puts "Yes: #{yes.to_s}" puts "No: #{no.to_s}" end x += 1 end until cruz.links.last.text != "View next comments" puts '' puts '' puts 'All done.' puts '' puts "Yes: #{yes.to_s}" puts "No: #{no.to_s}" puts "Failed: #{failed.to_s}"